

Traditional MBA is Dead, What’s Your Best Bet?


We all watch Netflix don’t we, well then do watch, ‘The Fortunate Man’ which won the Robert Award for the best Danish film in 2019! In the absolutely gripping movie, an engineering student who has put all his life’s earnings to pursue education, is pulled up by his professor. Not for sleeping in class, nor for speaking to his neighbour, or playing the fool, no, he was chastised by his professor, for making a practical canal water plan for the city of Copenhagen, in other words, applying what he had been hearing the learned professor teaching him.

“Listen to me young man,” the leering teacher said to his student as he tore up his drawings, “A young man of your age requires no other ambition, other than acquiring and assimilating knowledge!

And that was what education was about then in the beginning of the 19th century, and sadly in our country till date: A system, where all we do is gather or assimilate learning, and are never taught how to put it to practical use. Just imagine a medical student who has just passed out from medical college coming home after the convocation when he has been awarded his degree, and finding his mother down with a bad headache.

“Don’t worry,” say her husband the young doctor’s father, “Our son is a doctor, and he will cure you! Come on son, let’s see how you deal with your first patient!” says the father jovially.

The young doctor looks helplessly at his mother stretched out on the bed, scratches his head and says, “Headache pain results from signals interacting among the brain, blood vessels and surrounding nerves!”

“That’s wonderful son, now how do you cure your mother?” asks the father as the mother groans in pain.

“During a headache an unknown mechanism activates specific nerves that affect muscles and blood vessels!” continues the just passed out doctor.

The mother groans, the father moans, and wonders what sort of knowledge his son has assimilated from the best of colleges, if he doesn’t know how to put it into practice.

How did the doctors and engineers of old learn to practically apply their knowledge? By using their first patients or projects as guinea pigs, or experiments.

But those days are over! Today you come out of college landing on your feet! And more than a doctor or an engineer it’s the student out of business school, who finds his first job is not to learn the ropes, but apply his learning and knowledge, from day one. They’ve been hired to work miracles, they’ve been picked to bring professionalism, they’ve been offered the job to garner profits immediately!

The days of the traditional MBAs are over. The days when the young man in the movie was told not to put his knowledge into practice in college are not just over but such thinking has been thrown into the garbage bin. If you are looking for an MBA don’t go near ‘knowledge storehouses’ but go to ‘knowledge transformational’ centres where the text books taught are in the very centre of practical issues, problems and solutions!

But where are these alternative, radical B-Schools? One might ask & rightly so.
Here are few B-Schools & Edtech companies across the globe trying to break the norms of traditional education with their innovative pedagogy.

Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University

Located in Utah, United States, Marriott School has been instilling real-time, on-hands experience in handling the business enterprise through its innovative programs structure where students actually run a venture and equity fund known as Cougar Capital.

MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Based in Cambridge, The MIT Sloan School of Management is another leading business school where students can customize their own their course of study and have access to hands-on learning through the collaborative Action Learning program in which they travel to developing countries or work with local entrepreneurs.

Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

Daniels College of Business, through a partnership with Deutsche Bank’s Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium, offer their students the opportunity to work with Deutsche Bank managers and visit a microfinance institution in a developing country to understand the nettigrities of how financial institutions work across the globe.

Yangpoo Education & EduCLaaS Singapore:

Not so far from home, Yangpoo Education & EduCLaaS resolved to solve the issue of educated unemployable youth, are running India’s first-ever, employer-funded, hybrid PG Programs.
Designed & developed in technology capital of Asia – Singapore, these futuretech PG Programs in Software Engineering Management (Full-stack + AI+ ML) & Digital Business Management (Martech + Analytics) offer unique most program structure with 6 months intense learning & 18 months paid, virtual, on-the-job training with global companies.

A model that’s even better than the most, as you can earn to put the knowledge into practice it, in what is presently called a ‘earn while you learn model of education’!

Your time has arrived! Simply put it is, #StudyBhiSalaryBhi..!

Want to dig deep, here you go: