

Are the Days of Traditional MBA Over? Watch This Video To Find Out

Is MBA still worth it? And should you still be running after the traditional MBA Program? Find out an answer to these questions here in the video launched by Yangpoo Executive Education & EduCLaaS Singapore.

Yangpoo & EduCLaaS Singapore has raised the curtain from India’s 1st employer-funded PG programs in the recent video launch that took place at Yangpoo’s Headquarters in Mumbai.

The video unveils the exciting features of these unique, Earn While You Learn Programs.

#StudyBhiSalaryBhi – A Chance to cover almost 70% of the Program Fees with a Guaranteed Income of $400 per month during the program

These 24 months, hybrid PG programs consist of 6 months of intensive training by international faculty & industry experts and 18 months of paid, virtual on-the-job training with global companies.

The learn & earn feature of these programs allows students to finance their higher education with the help of a guaranteed minimum income of $400 per month received during the 18 months paid, on-the-job training.

You can catch glimpses of these unique employer-funded programs here.

To know more about the programs, visit: